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Walked around with the Nikon D850 DSLR (no mirrorless camera here!) and took some quick photos to do a blog post after updating my website to the newest version of WordPress. The idea is to keep my photography skills sharp when not doing paid work. I also want to create…

The Detroit Street Hot Club performed at Hot Jazz Wednesday from 6 to 9pm on October 17 at the Detroit Filling Station in Kerrytown. They played Django-style jazz, with tunes such as All of Me, and Sweet Georgia Brown. A real treat for jazz lovers. It’s worth a stop in…

Davis and Ava dancing Kazumba on Main Street. Check out ‘evolving bodies’ on Facebook, where they have information about classes.

Kiliwins, Maize and Blue Deli (now gone) Logan Restaurant, and Main Street. Heading out tonight to get some cold weather photos.

Fool Moon kicked off Ann Arbor’s 2017 festival season on April 7, 2017. A 3/4 moon hovered over the scene, which included a unicorn on stilts, polynesian-style dancing with led lighting, beautiful interactive LED light projections on the buildings on Washington Ave, and Fool Moon parties that spilled over into…

Neon signs in downtown Ann Arbor are on the rise. Neon light of all colors are bouncing around all over the buildings and streets. It’s the glory days of neon in downtown A2.

Blue Nile Ethiopian restaurant at night in downtown Ann Arbor.

Neon, rain and Kerrytown’s brick road at night. Perfect time and place to shoot some photos. Thanks to Mark Chalou for making the sign. Above, red neon on brick at night and below, a window reflection with an LED streetlight juxtaposed with the neon sign. Photo below is an abstract,…